j. Application of 500V dc for 10 seconds duration.
k. Thermal shock consisting of rapid temperature changes between 41° and 185°F.
3.6 Performance.
3.6.1 Ranges. The transmitter shall measure normal linear acceleration as shown in Table II.
Accelerometer shall withstand over range acceleration as shown in Table II without changing the
accuracy of the output. In addition, the transmitter shall withstand at least 50% over range in any
TABLE II. Ranges.
Normal range (g)
Over range (g)
-3.0 to +9.0
-4.5 to +13.5
-1.0 to +4.0
-1.5 to +6.0
-1.0 to +1.0
-1.5 to +1.5
3.6.2 Resolution. The resolution shall be 0.02% or better of full scale.
3.6.3 Static performance. When the transmitter is properly mounted in the aircraft, the electrical
output under static conditions shall indicate +1g in the normal axis (see 6.3).
3.6.4 Reliability. The transmitter shall have a minimum mean time between failures (MTBF) of
10,000 hours.
3.6.5 Maintainability. No special tools shall be required for the installation or replacement of
the transmitter.
3.6.6 Axis alignment. The alignment of the transmitter shall be within ± 1/4° from the sensitive
3.6.7 Accuracy. The maximum allowable deviation (output error) shall be 1.0% or less of full
3.6.8 Electromagnetic interference. The transmitter shall neither cause nor be susceptible to
electromagnetic interference.
3.6.9 Repeatability. The difference between transmitter output readings shall be less than 0.20%
of full scale when the input is reapplied.
3.6.10 Frequency response. Frequency response of the transmitter in any axis shall be flat
within ± 1.5% of static response from 0 to 8 Hz at room temperature, ± 3.0% over the specified
temperature range, and shall be down 18 dB or more at 16 Hz. Thereafter, the roll-off approach
shall be 36 dB per octave.
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