4.6.4 Repeatability. Normal acceleration. The TRU-106/A transmitter shall be mounted on a test stand so
that it is sensitive in the normal axis and shall be properly connected with power applied.
Acceleration inputs shall be applied to TRU-106/A-1 at -3, 0, +3, +7, and +9g consecutively, and
to TRU-106/A-2 at -1, 0, +1, +2, +3, and +4g consecutively. At each of these accelerations, the
output shall be recorded and the procedure repeated two times. The readings obtained in 4.6.3
shall not vary from the average of these three readings by more than 0.2% of full scale or 10 mV. Transverse acceleration. The TRU-107/A transmitter shall be mounted on a test stand so
that it is sensitive in the transverse axis and shall be properly connected with power applied.
Acceleration inputs shall be applied to the transmitter at -1, 0, and +1g consecutively. At each of
these accelerations, the output shall be recorded and the procedure repeated two times. The
readings obtained in 4.6.3 shall not vary from the average of these three readings by more than
0.2% of full scale or 10 mV.
4.6.5 Over-range acceleration. The transmitter shall be mounted on the test stand with power
applied so that it senses accelerations applicable to the type tested. Over-range accelerations
shall then be applied to the transmitter, and the output shall be noted. The test points for each
transmitter and the outputs shall be as specified in Table V.
TABLE V. Over-range acceleration test points.
Input (g)
Output (V) ± 0.10
4.6.6 Cross-axis acceleration. TRU-106/A. TRU-106/A-1 or TRU-106/A-2 shall be mounted on the test stand so that it
senses linear acceleration along the normal axis of the aircraft. With the transmitter properly
connected and power applied, the transmitter output shall be recorded. A 1g cross-axis
longitudinal acceleration shall be applied to the transmitter, and the output recorded. This
procedure shall be repeated with a 1g cross-axis transverse acceleration and the output recorded.
Neither cross-axis acceleration shall cause the normal acceleration output to vary by more than
0.005g. TRU-107/A. TRU-107/A shall be mounted on the test stand so that it senses linear
acceleration along the transverse axis of the aircraft. With power applied, a 1g transverse
acceleration shall be applied to the transmitter and the output recorded. Upon completion of the
calibration check, a 1g transverse acceleration shall be applied to the transmitter with a 1g cross-
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